Home » Escape » Snow Village Escape

When you were younger, you knocked over your neighbors snowman. It took him a lot of hours to complete. But since you were young back then, you didn't think of the efforts of people. And you just really wanted to have some fun. You stayed in this neighborhood until your neighbor died of old age. But since then, he never looked at you again. When you heard the story from your parents, you looked for the grave of the old man and paid your respects. Then that night, in your sleep, you hear someone whispering in your ears. "Don't go with the snowman". You repeated these words until you woke. You looked outside and the snow had already fallen. The snow always brought smiles to your face and it seemed like the world was such a beautiful place after all. You looked around outside then saw a familiar structure. Good luck and have fun!

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Jan 4th, 2019