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You always have trust issues. It seems like everybody you meet is up to no good. You don't know how it developed to be this serious. Then again, you know where it might have come from. It isn't hard to catch the traits of people around, especially when you're with them everyday. However, you don't blame them though. Your doubtfulness may have saved you in many situations more than you'll ever know. Sure, you may have lost precious relationships, yet you may also have saved yourself from heartaches. Throughout your life, this is your guide. That is until you meet this person. This person sells stuff from the internet. He seems to have many followers and the reviews about him were positive. You want to dig deeper about his business but his products capture you first. And you end up scrolling through tons of stuff. Then you find the thing that you like the most. Your trust issue is telling you not to have business with this person. But you don't know where else to get the product. So you end up going to his place to get the product. But instead, you only place yourself in a dangerous situation.

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Jul 5th, 2018