Home » Escape » Escape Handicapped Man

You had a tree right next to your house and it was how the handicapped man appeared. Your father planted a fruit tree near your house so you could enjoy the fruits. Its fruits were small, colorful and sweet. However, you were not the only one enjoying the fruits. At night, bats would come swooping on the tree to eat the fruits as well. The seeds would then disperse on your walls. Aside from the bats and birds, kids would also climb the tree to taste the fruits. It wouldn't fill their stomach and rid them of hunger. But it sure was thrilling to climb a tree and eat the candy-like fruits. You were fine with this as long as they would stay quiet while climbing. Sometimes, it seemed like they forgot that they were climbing near a house. You would usually just ask them to climb down. But one day, there was a boy who wouldn't heed your warning. Then while combing your hair in front of the mirror, you heard a thump. It was followed by a boy groaning. You tried to ignore it but your father asked you to see what it was. You looked out and saw the handicapped man. He was in pain. So you helped him reach his house. He wanted to thank you again but he just couldn't leave. Good luck and have fun!

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Jun 1st, 2018