Home » Escape » Escape Cracked Room

Ever since you were little, your friends thought of you as a weirdo. You were silent. And you always preferred to sit alone. They even made a rumor about you seeing some ghosts. You knew about their gossips about you but you were too lazy to care. After so many years of hearing them talk behind your back, you found it weird if they didn't. However, they must have gone tired of just talking about you. So these group of kids at your school befriended you. You definitely saw what was behind their actions. Yet you tried to play along. Your guard was up all the time without letting them know. Then they invited you over to an address where they would hold their meet up for the month. You saw the address and acted surprised. What they didn't know was that you frequent the place. It was a surprise to them. That was when they found out what you were doing there. The gathering started and they decided to play a game. You were up for it. Regardless if it involved staying inside the cracked room. Their plan was to get you locked up. And you let them. But you made sure they met the creatures you were with inside the house

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Apr 21st, 2018