Home » Escape » Escape From Greeny House

You booked a tour for the famous greeny house. It was just a house. But many people seemed to be crowding over it. One of your friends just came from there and she said you just have got to be there. You just let her talk but she seemed weird. There were some details that she didn't speak about. So you asked her about them. However, she said to make it a reason for you to visit the house yourself. Her words slowly convinced you. You tried to search the internet for details about the place. But only pictures were shown and comments. The details were kept secret so people should really be there to know about them. You shrugged at the comments and chose not to believe them yet. Then the day of your visit came. You arrived there and you couldn't find any line. You asked him about the other visitors. It turned out, you were the only one who booked a tour. So the house was all yours. The guide let you explore the house on your own. But you easily lost your way. Good luck and have fun!

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Nov 23rd, 2017