Home » Escape » Past Escape

WALKTHROUGH In this game you'll find a past magnifier. In this WT I didn't use it on all items (like the book or the open hole in the wall), but in fact all those things are hints and are also fun to do, so use the magnifier a lot to see more then I wrote DOOR - Zoom in on the bin and take the PEN. - GO LEFT. DESK - Zoom in on the fish tank and take the WET BOOK and the KNIFE. - Zoom in on the desk and zoom further in on the notepad. Put the pen in the notepad (now you can open the drawer). - Zoom in on the desk and open the drawer. Take the HEART and KEY #1. - Zoom in on the notepad again and take the PEN back!. - GO LEFT. CHEST - Zoom in on the chest and use key #1 to open it and take the PAST MAGNIFIER. - Zoom in on the picture and use the magnifier on it to see the TAPE RECORDER HINT. - GO LEFT. TABLE - Take the CAR from the floor. - Zoom in on the tape recorder and use the hint. So click; >> > square << > > square and take the CIRCLE SHAPE. - Zoom in on the hanging pot and take the EGG. - GO LEFT. DOOR - Use the magnifier on the wall above the door and see the WALL SAFE CODE (19476). - Zoom in on the wall safe, put in that code in, open it and take the SCREWDIRVER BIT. - GO LEFT. DESK - Zoom in on the fish tank and put the heart in the water and see the EGG CODE (3537). - Look at your egg and open it with that code and take the BATTERY. - Use the magnifier on the right part of the backwall and see a hole. Make that hole with your knife. - Look at your car, click it and put the battery in and now you have a WORKING CAR. - Zoom in on the hole you just made and put the car in. It rides. - GO LEFT (2x). TABLE - And there's your car again and it brought you a SQUARE SHAPE, take it. - Zoom in on the hairdryer. Look at your pen and click the top and put the screwdriver bit in and now you have a SCREWDRIVER. Use the screwdriver on the outlet and plug the hairdryer in. Use the book on the hairdryer and now you have a DRY BOOK. - Look at the book, still fuzzy, but you can see the past (when it was still dry) with your magnifier. Do so and see the COLOUR ORDER HINT (R-Y-B-Pi-G-Y-grey). - GO LEFT (2x). DESK - Zoom in (2x) on the green box on the table and use the magnifier on it to see what button used to have what colour. Click the buttons in that order (so from left to right click 3-5-1-2-4-5 and then the top button) and take the TRIANGLE SHAPE. - GO LEFT (2x). TABLE - Zoom in on the brown panel in the wall and use the magnifier on it to see the SHAPES ORDER (square-triangle-circle). Put the shapes in, in that order and take KEY #2. - GO LEFT. DOOR - Use key #2 on the keyhole in the door, go out and you're out.

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Jul 2nd, 2011